Interested in booking a private group weekday maple program at our location or yours? Click here for details!
Upcoming Maple Weekends - RSVP to reserve your spot & get any updates
- Saturday, March 16th: Maple Sugaring, Black History & Spring Equinox Ceremony
- Maple Tours, Music, Pancakes & our own syrup!
- Guest Speaker Anthony Dandridge, Director of Kingston A.J.W. Myers African Roots Center presents: “We Are the Land," exploring the profound and enduring connection between people of African descent and the land. The speech delves into the historical, cultural, and contemporary aspects of this relationship, emphasizing its significance in shaping identity, fostering resilience, and preserving heritage.
- Spring Equinox Ceremony with Neetopk Keetopk 2pm
- Seed Song Farm, 160 Esopus Ave, Kingston
Rekindle your relationship to the land this winter-- join us for a Maple Sugaring weekend event and tour-- a fun, delicious educational and cultural experience for all ages.
- Tree-tapping activity- learn the science of maple sugaring
- Collect sap from the maple trees
- Gather 'round the sap boiler in the Sugar Shack and learn more about this sweet process.
- Pancakes with our own maple syrup will be served (note: food is not included in admission)
- Feed our sheep and other farm animals
- Tree Art and Gratitude activities
- Live music from the Seed Song Farm-ily Band!
Sliding-Scale admission:
Regular- $10 Pay-it-forward-$15 Low income $7
Regular-$6 Pay-It-Forward- $10 Low Income- $4
Families (6 people or less)
Regular- $30 Pay-It-Forward- $45 Low Income- $20
Food and Drink Sold Separately $11 per plate
Tips and Reminders for Maple Weekends:
- Please be prepared for snow/mud on grounds as Winter transitions to Spring. We encourage you to dress for the weather and wear mud/snow/rain proof boots around the farmyard and through the fields to the maple grove and sugar shack!
- Maple weekend programs only occur on good-weather days. RSVP for a specific weekend day (we'll send an email reminder), and if weather is questionable please check here before coming to ensure that the program is still on.
- Admission fee includes guided and experiential activities for the whole family including: collecting maple sap, maple sap boiling demonstration, live music, and educational history display.
- Pancakes, maple syrup, and other food and drink are available for sale but not included in the admission fee. Please bring and use cash, check, credit card, venmo, or paypal to pay separately for these items
- For individuals and family members who are not able to walk though snow/mud across farm fields to the various activities, we do have art activities, food, and socially-distant music to share at the main hoop house. Some sleds are available to tow small children between stations, or please bring your own.
Interested in booking a private event at our location or yours? Click here
*Atharhacton is the Lenape name for the Kingston area. This project honors our native “first people” and one of their greatest gifts to all future immigrants: the wisdom, method, and gratitude for making Maple Sugar.
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