Fall Farm camp program suspended for now
Our Fall Farm Camp has been providing rich outdoor experiences to youth for the past three months, and valuable service to parents. Unfortunately, Ulster County is currently experiencing a spike in Covid-19 infections. While Seed Song Farm & Center has been fortunate to have no infections within our on-farm community of staff, children, parents, and patrons, daycare centers in our immediate area have recently experienced outbreaks. Ulster County had a 4.6% rate of infection among those tested recently, among the highest in the state. It seems likely that new terms of guidance from the county are forthcoming.
Therefore we have made the decision to suspend our youth program effective Wednesday, November 25. We look forward to resuming programming as soon as the infection rate percentage returns to a relatively safe level which does not threaten to overwhelm our local healthcare system. We are so grateful for the parents and community members that have supported the program in various ways, from sending their children, to providing cold weather gear and supplies, to contributions so that all children regardless of means may attend.
If you'd like to be on the list of families that receive information about the program's availability, please contact us HERE with "youth farm program interest" in the subject line. As in February 2020, we are eager to tap the sugar maple trees!
Therefore we have made the decision to suspend our youth program effective Wednesday, November 25. We look forward to resuming programming as soon as the infection rate percentage returns to a relatively safe level which does not threaten to overwhelm our local healthcare system. We are so grateful for the parents and community members that have supported the program in various ways, from sending their children, to providing cold weather gear and supplies, to contributions so that all children regardless of means may attend.
If you'd like to be on the list of families that receive information about the program's availability, please contact us HERE with "youth farm program interest" in the subject line. As in February 2020, we are eager to tap the sugar maple trees!
Autumn on the Farm Program
Wednesday, September 16 through Thanksgiving (weekdays) and beyond
Ages 4-14
Our Autumn on the Farm program is similar in content and goals to the camp programs (scroll down), but in a 3-hour block format-- from 12 noon to 3pm, or from 3pm to 6pm. Details and Prices are on the registration form. Please click on a registration form below (one is printable, one is edit-able).
Wednesday, September 16 through Thanksgiving (weekdays) and beyond
Ages 4-14
Our Autumn on the Farm program is similar in content and goals to the camp programs (scroll down), but in a 3-hour block format-- from 12 noon to 3pm, or from 3pm to 6pm. Details and Prices are on the registration form. Please click on a registration form below (one is printable, one is edit-able).

fall_2020_youth_education_program_registration_form_editable__1_.doc | |
File Size: | 41 kb |
File Type: | doc |

fall_2020_youth_education_program_registration_form_printable.pdf | |
File Size: | 141 kb |
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For more about the philosophy, goals, and flavor of our youth programs, please scroll down or Click Here to visit our "Camp" Page.
We've restructured our education programs to serve our community's need amidst current health and safety restrictions and changes in public school offerings. Our youth program runs most weekdays, nearly year-round, primarily outdoors.
Connecting with the natural environment and with growing food together, besides playing an essential role in healthy human development, will ultimately heal and protect our community.
We are committed to continuing, within shifting health agency guidelines and the common sense of the moment, to providing such opportunities for families and to meeting our mission to the fullest extent possible:
Re-kindle cultural reverence for the land
by making healthy farm food and experiences available to ALL.
Please support this work if you are able! Contribute HERE
Keep updated via our newsletter! just scroll down after clicking HERE or on the 'Home' Tab.
Your feedback is welcome.
Summer-to-Fall Camp
Wednesday, Sept 9 through Tuesday, Sept 15 (weekdays), 12 Noon - 6pm
(Scroll down to see Fall Youth Programs after September 15)
Ages 4 to 14 and up
Many children have an abrupt transition at Labor Day-- from running through water sprinklers in the sun to sitting at desks under fluorescent lights. Our youth program is primarily outdoors, and follows nature's gradual fall from summer into autumn on the farm.
The first post-Labor Day week of September programs will be full of exciting experiential projects led by the ideas and enthusiasm of of the children-- just like summer camp!-- but to accommodate and complement many children's morning online school work, the programs will run from 12 noon through 6pm. Let us know in advance if your child has specific school requirements during the time they are at camp, as our program's focus is not to support academic work, but to provide a space for building relationships with the land, for healthy social-emotional and physical development, and for nurturing curiosity and intellectual development through projects in which children's ideas and enthusiasm come first.
Our theme for the week is "Beautiful, Bountiful Summer-to-Fall on the Farm". Projects that will begin this week include:
- Building with Haybales
- Sunflowers and the Three Sisters (Corn, Beans, Squash)
- Cozying-Up the Livestock Housing
- Designing the educational Wild Meadow Maze
- Solar bottle heat collector
This week of primarily outdoor programming is offered as a week-long day camp. All of the same county health department immunization documentation requirements will apply, as will NYS Covid19 Camp Guidelines. The number of children will be limited. If we don't fill all spaces with full-week participants, we'll consider any partial week or partial day applicants and contact those parents. Some funds are available for scholarships for low-income families, please indicate the amount you are requesting on your application, or inquire.
For Rates, Details, and to Register, Click Here to visit our "Camp" Page.
NOTE: Following this camp program, beginning September 16 2020, the structure of the program changes to 3-hour blocks from 12-3pm or 3-6pm. Registration from then until the end of the year and into 2021 will use a different form and have requirements different than that of the camp program. Please scroll down to view our nearly year-round daily Youth Farm & Nature Programs Beginning September 16, 2020, including registration information.